Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
At Sheffield Springs Academy we recognise the importance of effective Careers Education, Information, Advice, & Guidance (CEIAG) for young people and we expect all our students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. We aim to inspire every student through real-life contacts with the world of work to help them understand where different choices can take them in the future. We will ensure that our students are not restricted by circumstances or location from becoming confident, well-educated, resilient and enterprising individuals. We work hard across the academy in all our lessons to prevent all forms of stereotyping to ensure that boys and girls from all backgrounds and diversity groups consider the widest possible range of careers, including those that are often portrayed as primarily for one gender or another.
We have high expectations, including for the most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities, so that every student is stretched and acquires the attributes that employers value. This will help every young person to realise their potential and so increase economic competitiveness and support social mobility. We work closely with the Local Authority, higher education institutions including The University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University. Additionally, we work with private training providers and the local Chamber of Commerce, local and national employers to ensure our students get the most current information on opportunities available to them.
We measure our success by our students’ destinations, and this is reflected in higher numbers progressing to apprenticeships, universities – including selective universities, traineeships, and other positive destinations such as employment or a further education college. This will help to close the gap in destinations between young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and others.
Careers Programme for 2023/ 2024
For Provider Access Policy Statement please click here
Students can request a meeting with our Careers Team or by speaking to their form tutor or head of year to receive impartial and personal support. Our Careers Team are also available at break and lunch time for careers drop-ins where any of our students can ask career questions, his office is in the LRC.
We also offer one-to-one career guidance and interviews for all Year 10s and Year 11s. Alongside Year 9 small group interviews ahead of options. Supporting our student at each key transition.
Students can also use Prospects – Job match to see their personality type Prospects Students can also use this gives careers videos and job and salary information iCould
Parents can learn more about post-16 options, career pathways and the job market are not just for students. Our careers team are available via email or telephone for further information or to arrange a bespoke 1:1 meeting, please email or call reception.
The following links also provide useful information for parents.
Careers Advice for Parents
Parental Guidance
Russell Group - Post 16 Progressions
Careers Advisor - Mr Cramphorn
Email Address -
Contact Number - 0114 239 2631
Senior Leader Responsible for Careers - Mr Saville
Email Address -