All students in a position of leadership serve as a role model for students so must uphold the schools’ expectations to the highest standards – this includes attendance, behaviour, uniform, attitude etc. You will be expected to contribute to your group when required – if for any reason you are unable to attend a meeting, it is your responsibility to speak with the teacher of your group to find out what you missed. Anyone not meeting these standards will be removed from the group.
Being a student leader gives you experience of leadership which will set you apart from other on college/job/apprenticeship application whilst also having a positive impact on the topics you are passionate about.

Student Voice
The whole of the student leaders will make up the student council to ensure we are getting feedback from the variety of areas in school.
The Head Boy/Girl and deputies will take charge of a leadership group each to collate their feedback and present it in meetings. They are not limited to a specific itinerary and if anything else is raised by their peers, are encouraged to bring it forward.